11110257 - Anglais littérature 6

Niveau de dipl?me
Crédits ECTS 4
Volume horaire total 21
Volume horaire CM 21



Published in 1947, Malcolm Lowry’s Under the Volcano shares the Modernists’ concern with a changing world where all stable landmarks are gone, where relativity has replaced certainty and where man is left alone, groping for meaning.
It also participates in the experiments with form characteristic of Modernist artists’ response to such upheaval. Written at the time of the Second World War, Under the Volcano can be said to belong to late Modernism while anticipating, with its derisive stance and intensive use of intertextuality, Post-modernism.
This seminar will focus on Under the Volcano using it as a basis to explore two essential literary currents of the XXth century: Modernism and Postmodernism.


Primary sources:
  • BARNES, Julian, Flaubert’s Parrot, London: Picador, 1984.
  • CONRAD, Joseph, Heart of Darkness, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1995.
  • LOWRY, Malcolm, Under the Volcano, first published by Jonathan Cape, 1947; Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1985.
  • LOWRY, Malcolm, Dark as the Grave Wherein My Friend Is Laid, first published by Jonathan Cape, 1969 ; Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1972.
  • LOWRY, Malcolm, Hear Us O Lord From Heaven Thy Dwelling Place, New York: Carroll & Graf, 1986.
Secondary sources:

On Malcolm Lowry
  • ACKERLEY, Chris, and Clipper, Lawrence J., A Companion to Under the Volcano, Vancouver : University of British Columbia Press, 1984.
  • ASALS, Frederick et TIESSEN, Paul, eds. A Darkness That Murmured: Essays on Malcolm Lowry and the Twentieth Century. Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2000.
  • DELESALLE-NANCEY, Catherine, La Divine comédie ivre : répétition, ressassement et reprise dans l'oeuvre en prose de Malcolm Lowry, Paris, Michel Houdiard, 2010.
  • Grace, Sherrill, Strange Comfort: Essays on the Work of Malcolm Lowry, Vancouver: Talon Books, 2009.
  • McCarthy, Patrick A. Forest of Symbols: World, Text and Self in Malcolm Lowry’s Fiction. Athens, GA and London: University of Georgia Press, 1994.
On Modernism and Postmodernism:
  • BRADSHAW David and J.H. DETTMAR (eds.), A Companion to Modernist Literature and Culture, Malden, Oxford and Victoria: Blackwell Publishing, 2006.
  • HUTCHEON, Linda, The Politics of Postmodernism, London and New York: Routledge, 1989.

Contr?les des connaissances

Examen terminal écrit : 4 h